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Posted on July 9, 2024 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Discovering the Heart of The Resilience Initiative During a recent session with my mastermind group, I was sitting when someone said something that […]

Posted on June 18, 2024 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Circumnavigate the Globe: CHECK! Do you have a dream that’s been tucked away on your bucket list for over a decade? For me, […]

Posted on February 5, 2024 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Finding Your Focus: Streamlining Your Path to Success Have you ever done a massive brain dump? To get everything in your mind onto […]

Posted on January 11, 2024 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Goals, Intentions, and Our Endless Whys This time of year, the air is filled with reflections on goals and intentions for the upcoming […]

Posted on October 20, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Go with the Flow: Embracing Change like a Desert in Bloom Change is a tricky thing. We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t […]

Posted on August 25, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog The Power of Discovering Your WHY As a coach, speaker, and author dedicated to fostering resilience within teams and communities, I’ve talked to […]

Posted on June 26, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog The Power of Doing Something There are moments in our lives when we are faced with a situation where doing nothing is simply […]

Posted on June 7, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Who is Your Spotter? Who’s got your back? That’s a question I’ve been pondering lately. As I recently got back into weightlifting, I […]

Posted on May 22, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Why Progress Isn’t Linear I want to share with you a personal experience I had during my yoga class today. As someone who […]

Posted on May 10, 2023 In Uncategorized

#Resilience Blog Building Resilience in Our Schools I’ve been working on a promising and impactful project with Dr. William Summers at Burnsville High School and […]