Kelley Lujan – The Why of Right Way

Learn More about the Resilience Initiative – We help you discover your WHY!

This Episode of #Resilience explores the WHY of Right Way with Kelley Lujan.

The most hopeful fun 30 minutes on the Internet. Listen Now

What is an Echo Chamber? Square or round wheels? Round for me please!

  • Best Advice  – “Trust the Process – You are the Author”
  • Biggest Problem – Get with Technology
  • Book she is reading

  • This song gets her going

At the Resilience Initiative we promote Resilience around the world.

How do we do that? Book time with us to find out more. Lets go

  • Helping individuals, families, and teams discover their Why. We work closely with the The Why Institute. The Why of Challenge came from their Algorithm.
  • Producing the podcast #Resileince
  • Public speaking and facilitating
  • Coaching Bereaved Families with our Cornerstone Grief Program.
  • Writing – check out our Books!





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