You are Magnificent – American Eagle Locksmith

American Eagle Locksmith

I recently purchased a new (used) car that came with a single key fob. While this is not a problem today – in the long term surely a crisis waits.

I went armed with, what I thought was, a ready to mint key fob. Little did I know that while it looked correct…it would never work. They looked at the key fob, said they would give it a try

They tried and it failed – and tried and it failed – and tried and it failed. But at each juncture they talked to me and had a recommendation about what to do next. Way to go!

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When we realized that there was not a chance to finish that day they agreed to help me the next day with a ride to my office from their shop and that they would bring the car to me when the work was complete.

That is exactly what they did. Refreshing to have that type of expertise and “to the finish line” support.They were magnificent!

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