Executive Writer Series

04 Nov 2020

The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man without trials ~ Confucius Avoiding adversity is taking away one of the opportunities to experience your […]

02 Nov 2020

In some sense, a crisis is natural process of maturation. Each time you run or exercise, you put yourself through a degree of stress, but […]

Nina Justin is our Executive Writer. We hope you enjoy her insightful and germane essays on Resilience.

Learn more about Nina Justin


The WHY.os experience provided me with insights into key aspects of my thought and decision making processes. The session left me with perspectives on where I've been and guidance on my choices going forward.

Brian N.

It was informative to approach how I work and interact from the “why” perspective and also think about how those categories apply to others. A great new perspective for personal reflection and interaction!

Ed M.

I enjoyed the WHY process. Watson explained the process well and it reinforced some introspection that I had on a professional and personal level.

Doug H.

To be honest I was a little skeptical about the training. While working for a government institution for almost 19 years, I have attended a number of trainings in my day. The why training in my opinion is one of the best trainings I have attended. it was very informative, and the information provided was presented in a way which made the trainee feel engaged and relatable.

Keynon L.

"This is a remarkable book and a testament to healing after the worst thing in the world happens. The book manages to be both sad without being maudlin, and helpful without being preachy. The author shares the pain of his struggles honestly, and yet there is a strong line of hope running through the book. You know that he and his wife and children will be all right. Different. Changed forever. But all right. I recommend this book to anyone who has been touched by unspeakable tragedy. And to anyone who wants to be reassured that even after a place of utter despair, one can still experience a triumph of the spirit."

Margo Warren

“Reading Watson Jordan's memoir brought to mind other powerful testaments to loss and grief such as A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis and A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. Like these writers, Jordan pulls back the curtain to reveal an intimate account of tragedy as well as enduring love. Jordan's writing is a gift to all of us who have and will face the loss of loved ones.”

James Pharr

“Watson Jordan has written an incredibly honest, moving, and poignant account of how a family deals with the loss of a child. The book is remarkable for many reasons, but two that stand out are its economy and its hope. It is hard to write about such difficult topics with such conciseness and while maintaining so much hope. Jordan is able to strike that perfect balance by being very specific and very personal and yet there is no word that is superfluous. Jordan writes with the sparseness, the directness, the concreteness of Hemingway and Cormac McCarthy, but with the warmth of Henri Nouwen. This book is both real and uplifting. Jordan sugarcoats nothing. But he offers a clear path to healing.”

John Gregory